Friday, June 18, 2010

Getting through Florida seemed to take forever... Georgia was fine, with the exception of Atlanta, that city is a mess to drive through. Fourteen lanes of traffic, all backed up and it wasn't even rush hour. NOT fun when it was over 102 degrees outside. The dogs enjoyed the AC.

We did find a place to eat in Valdosta, called the Smokin' Pig Barbeque. We selected it because the name was so freakin' funny, and we were starving. So, the place is in the middle of... nowhere, but it was packed, even for an early lunch on a Monday. The parking lot could rival Costco and it was more than half full. We sat outside on the rocking chairs and at our roasted pig snacks and sipped our Georgia Sweet Tea... I was in a coma an hour later, which came in handy driving through Atlanta. The serving sizes were HUGE, I had half an order and there was so much left that I had dinner that night and breakfast too, if I could have withstood eating it... I couldn't. bleh.

All in all, that first night was pretty uneventful, we made it to Chattanooga early enough to watch the season opener of True Blood, sans the first fifteen minutes, which we caught the next night, or day. I can't remember. Chattanooga is a really cool place, I loved it. We had coffee at Chattz, a local coffeehouse that roasts their own beans and I've been told by the proprietor they had the first coffeehouse in downtown Chattanooga, which was 8 years ago and before the Starbucks. He was a little worried about me liking the latte he made once I told him that I was from Seattle. The downtown area was very nice, it looks like residents are revitalizing the city, buying up older buildings and converting them into business, office spaces and dwellings. Very bike and pedestrian friendly... and pet friendly! There were lots of green spaces downtown, as well as various sculpture and galleries. The below are all part of one four sided sculpture located out front and to the side of the courthouse.

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