Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day Two... Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana

Tennessee was very pretty, lots of carved stone walls, rolling green hills, trees and corn... lots and lots of corn. Corn seemed to be the theme across all three of these states. After buying a bunch of beer for peeps in Seattle from the Lazy Magnolia Brewery - Mellissa knows the brew master... go figure. I hope the legroom that I had to sacrifice in order to get that beer back to Seattle is appreciated by everyone when they’re enjoying their beer… I also hope they don’t mind that it smells of feet ;-)

We did a speed tour of President Lincoln's birth place in Kentucky, after indulging in a two tablespoon mound of fluffy MSG (aka KFC mashed potatoes) smothered in thick, brown gelatin (aka KFC gravy). Mmmmm... KFC Mashed Potatoes; they were delicious and so thick I was full for hours.

We ate dinner in downtown Louisville at an Irish Pub, the fish and chips were very good, so was their local beer. It was a porter, but I don't recall the name of it. We watched the Lakers spank the Celtics and wished that we were watching one of the World Cup games instead. The area we went two Fourth Street Live, was full of bars, sidewalk cafes and various restaurants. It was fairly quiet because it was Tuesday and there was a tornado watch. However, all those hours in the car and we were NOT going to stay in our room. As nice as the sunset views were from our room, we were suffering from confined space fever and needed to get out. It was a nice break from the car, the room and the doggies. The doggies got to enjoy the sunset without us.
Mellissa and I practiced our texting while driving skills, we're approaching expert level, having passed professional enroute to Indiana. Did I mention all the corn?

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