Wednesday, June 23, 2010


There are several more items to add to this particular post, but I don't have all the photos yet... Once I do, I will update it with more of the food we experienced...

This was brunch the day before we left on our road trip.  Mellissa pulled out her French influenced culinary skills on us and made mushroom, egg and goat cheese stuffed crepes.  They were very good and very pretty. 

At RiRa's Irish Pub in Louisville we had Fish & Chips and some chicken burger thingy with sweet potato fries. 

We dove head first into the Kentucky food scene with a visit to KFC. No chicken though, only potatoes. They thought we were crazy and it took a girl from Cincinatti to explain to the native Kentucky girl what a "jojo" is. Mellissa shared hers with The Colonel. I shared mine with Mellissa.

Next is Portillos for a Chicago Style Dog...  I'm not a fan of hotdogs, I actually cannot stand them, but it was impressed upon me that I HAD to try a Chicago Style hotdog and from it was unanimous from all sides that Portillos was the absolute best place to get hotdogs.  I was also told that I needed to have cheese fries with it.  I have to admit it, the Chicago Style Dog was good, I could barely taste the hotdog, which was my favorite part.  I loved the peppers!  Yummy.  The cheese fries I could have lived without, it was like macaroni and cheese with fries instead of macaroni.  Not that cheap storebrand mac and cheese though, like Kraft Mac and Cheese... the good one and I've been passing that stuff up in the grocery store for months, so this took care of that fix I've been denying. 
We also had pizza from Gino's East in Chicago.  It was yummy and I'm not sure that I want to have pizza anywhere ever again after that.  I have to upload the picture after I get it from Mellissa (got it!).  I'm glad she got a small because that thing was so thick with crust, cheese and sausage... holy cats!  Oh, the best part, green peppers does NOT mean bell peppers.  I was ready to pick them off, but when we got the pizza, it was those hot & sweet peppers. 
Wrigley Field Nachos.  I have nothing else to say.


  1. hey! I don't recall seeing this post! What the what? Are you doing sneak posting or something? Ha!
