Sunday, June 20, 2010


I love it here.  I could live here.  I wish we could have stayed longer and seen more of it.  I took Uzume & Itachi to their first dog park, but only let them run around as long as no other dogs were in there, because they're big bullies and like to start trouble.  I was surprised that the two of them seemed to be fine amongst all the noise.  There's always a lot of traffic and the peeps of Chicago love their horn...  A LOT.  They seemed to take it in stride and not be affected by it too much, they also moved among the foot traffic fairly well, Itachi did try his crotch rocket launch at one person, put I kept his leash pretty short fortunately for that guy.  The picture to the left is looking back down Grand Avenue from a park alongside the river, right next to the Caribou Cafe.  After we left here we went to Gino's East and bought a small pizza.  The picture above is the park (the area that dogs were NOT allowed) that we were at. 

The architecture is pretty cool, all except for that huge eyesore, Trump International Tower.  It's hideous and placed justly, right next to a McDonalds.  hehehe. 

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